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Sheetz Lowers Pain at the Pump with Huge Gas Price Reduction

Unleaded 88 Only $3.99/Gallon and E85 Only $3.49/Gallon

Effective immediately, Sheetz, a major Mid-Atlantic restaurant and convenience chain, will help reduce pain at the pump for consumers by reducing the price of fuel to $3.99 a gallon for Unleaded 88 and $3.49 a gallon for E85. This is a limited time offer that will be available through the July 4th holiday travel season.

Unleaded 88 is approved by the EPA for use in vehicles for model years 2001 or newer as well as light-duty trucks, SUVs and Flex Fuel Vehicles.* E85 contains more ethanol (51%-83%) and is not compatible with all vehicles. It is designed specifically for "flexible fuel vehicles" or FFVs. FFVs can use regular gasoline (E10), E15, or E85. When available, E85 is clearly designated as a different fuel type and should not be used in standard vehicles. Check your ownerā€™s manual to see if your car is able to run with E85.